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Making a start





After returning to the hobby for a very long time I have decided to make a start on that layout that has been knocking around my head for years. Since returning I have been browsing layouts online and in magazines, learning all about 'the prototype' (as initially my ideas had more resemblance to a train set) and generally finding out many fantastic things about this massive hobby. In fact I do wonder what I have let myself in for, but its too late, I've been bitten by the model railway bug.


My layout will be based on the GWR in the 1930's as I like the look of the period and thanks to my Grandads stories from his time as a GWR fireman, it just had to be this company. Initially I wanted a large mainline station (who doesn't) but lack of space will see that wont happen, well not till I get a nice large house or win the lottery. So its going to be a branch line and in an attempt to avoid the infamous BLT mine will be a through station based loosely on Litchfield on the DN&SR.


The above picture shows the current plan, although inverted from the Litchfield track plan, please feel free to comment. This is going to be my first proper layout and any help will be welcome


Currently I am collecting pieces for the layout and have constructed the platforms, shed and cattle dock and also making interiors for the signal box and station.



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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Premium

Looks good.


Just remember that a 1930s Branchline should not have a GWR loco with the "GWR" lettering on it.

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I'm not too keen on that livery anyway. I already have an airfix 48xx (14xx), which requires new lettering after its had the mainly trains detail pack added

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  • RMweb Gold

A couple of comments;

I would try to make the headshunt a little longer

Having inverted the layout the access to the headshunt is now a facing point I presume it was initially a trailing one. The GW seemed to prefer to avoid facing points in that sort of position although no doubt someone will quote an example.


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