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Well, that's serendipitous!

James Harrison


Before Christmas (if I'm honest, long before Christmas...more like November...) I briefly mentioned I'd been reading "Great Central Steam" and been quite taken with a drawing of a proposed but never built mogul mixed traffic loco. I then said that I'd gone out and bought an old Mainline 43xx as a donor model to convert.


To be honest although filled with enthusiasm for such a project (I think, much like the B5 Fish engines, it would have a certain elegance about it) I kept being put off because of a lack of anything suitable for a boiler. I was going to use the boiler from a Dapol Schools sitting in my bits box, but I wasn't convinced this would work.


Well, I've just been on that well-known internet auction site and been able to pick up the boiler from a whitemetal Director kit. Perfect! Just exactly what I need. So, when I get the all-first clerestory off the bench (hopefully sometime this week- I've spent this afternoon finishing off the interior and the teak effect), I'll be turning my attention to this neverwazza.


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