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A la Cart !



blog-0973904001392513901.jpgTo anyone following the progress of this very minor part of my project the fact that I am writing about a cart means that a) I didn't go to the Shepton Mallet show, b)the weather was not perfect this morning and c) yes, I did have a hang over! That Valentine fellow has a lot to answer for! So, along with quality time with wife and child and a double gym session I have pretty much finished my little cart bar the painting. Here it is before under coat;




Very unusually for me I decided to use plasticard strips for the body and although not quite up to Snitzle standards am pretty pleased with the wood like quality I managed. Not that I managed to capture it in the photos with the toy camera. The other thing that people who are more familiar with farm carts or who can follow instructions (helps if you read them in the first place!), better than me, will spot that I have the body mounting upside down. After some pulling apart and swearing it was ready for a bit of a spray;




Another thing that I really like but which doesn't show up on the pics is the slight gaps between some of the planks which gives a suitable rustic look. Rivet detail on the strapping as well! These things should be more apparent once painted and then be completely obscured by the tarpaulin over the cart and the barn that is going to be built in front of it!

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