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Oswestry Works Motive Power Introduction



blog-0494928001394024066.jpgI've started this blog for the motive power side of things, keeping the Oswestry Works Diorama thread more works build/research focused. Motive Power for the Works project is based on the original works registers which survive at the National Archives in Kew. Thumbing through these historical documents inspired me to recreate scenes from different periods based on what would have actually taken place to add a new dimension of realism and interest. So far I've seen the 1954 works register which has a considerable array of GWR, BR and a former Cambrian locomotive, Class 15 no 855.


Here's a sample of pages from the 1954 registers:







The full 1954 register is in a google spreadsheet here - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aoqn2BX3AhTDdE5DRTU4RUlIZmkzaXJSVTloVUEwRFE&usp=drive_web#gid=0


I'm completely new to detailing, scratch building and weathering, so progress will be quite slow but hopefully still interesting!


First up will be a batch of 5 locomotives to renumber, detail and weather, to represent the works in the summer of 1954:


5726 - Oswestry allocated pannier, I believe used on freight workings on Ellesmere line

3638 - Brecon allocated pannier

9018 - Machynlleth allocated Dukedog

7803 - Machynlleth allocated Barcote Manor

46514 - Oswestry allocated 2MT


I've started out with 5726, in the registers for August 1954, more to follow on that shortly :)

Edited by alanbuttler

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