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Bakewell baseboard construction latest update

Black 5


I have now been constructing the plywood baseboard modules for the past month. Each module is constructed from 9 and 6mm birch wood plywood which each forms a strong and robust module. Some of the sections are approx 1320x600mm and each weigh nearly 10kg! I am adding alignment dowells to each end and sides as appropriate and these will link together to form a unit round my room. I have completed 6 of the 9 modules and have tested the alignment of each one - so far, so good.


Last night I completed the raised section which will allow me access into the room.This will be hinged to form a "drawbridge section". I will next be thinking of the supporting legs and will link each section up using hinged fasteners to maintain tension across the board joints.


I hope to complete the baseboards and have them in place round the room by Easter.


I enclose some progress photos and PDF constructional files which I trust readers will find useful. I hope that my next progress shots will show the legs in place with the boards linked together ready for the track laying to begin

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Certainly looks robust enough! Might be a good idea at this stage to cut some holes in the cross-members to make wiring runs easier before you start putting legs on, after which they'll be more difficult to handle. Graham

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Hi Graham,


Will certainly look into this. Once the modules are built, then I will go about this before adding the legs. Incidentally the same board design is used on the new Oxford layout currently being built by High Wycombe club of which I am a member.


Best regards, Rob

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