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My first blog



At the constant nagging of Paul Bambrick, I've succumbed to writing a blog about my 7mm finescale railway and tramway.


I've been quietly modelling O gauge for nearly 45 years, having joined the O Gauge Guild in the late 60's. Mostly family, work overseas and restoring old cars and airplanes has taken priority but it has not stopped me collecting an extensive range of first class models over the years, to play with in my retirement.


I am now reaching a point whereby my railway is looking complete, but with still a lot of tiny details to add. Westcott is the chosen name of a branchline that could be somewhere in Buckinghamshire so allowing LMS (dominant), GWR and LNER trains to run. There are a number of interlopers and oddities for no better reason that I like the unusual.


Paul was commissioned to complete the backscenes that cover about 25 feet of the layout (the total layout is 38 feet long). Knowing Kevin Wilson and Bucks Hill introduced me to Paul and Westcott and Bucks Hill completed for Paul's time over 18 months or so.


The difference with Westcott is that it includes a tramway that runs the length of the layout both on cobbled streets and through the country a'la Leeds and other towns 'oop north. Why trams? I have always had a fascination from childhood when a treat was a ride on a Liverpool tram and the Overhead Railway. Today, I have over 40 trams from all over England, 15 being Liverpool. Another 10 are being built. All are exquisite models built professionally and a few by me (cheating using 3D printed bodies!!).


So here are a couple of photos to start off the blog.




Liverpool Liner ex St Petersburg Tram Co and weathered by Martyn Welch




Manchester 4 wheeler by Mike Edge and painted by Ian Rathbone.




That's all for now. See Paul's blog later this week for more pics.


Manchester Milne completed by one of my current builders. Paul Bambrick's backscene.




Bit more of Paul's creation. Other detail by me.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well I for one am very glad that Paul was successful in his nagging! You've certainly wetted my appetite, i'm really looking forward to seeing and reading more about your layout.



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Very good work, I like the artist and easel, he must have to paint quickly to capture the trams going by, or do they stop for a pose!

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There are a few more images on Paul Bambrick's blog.  The artist is actually paining the landscape, but missing in this shot is his Bohemian pre-war Fiat parked perilously close to the tram track!


I'm trying to figure out how to reduce some of the best photos that exceed the 1mb limit for the blog.  Computers are great (sometimes) but often exceed my comprehension.


Thank you for your kind comments.





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Paul was only nagging you because we were nagging him ;)  and like Dave I'm glad he's succeeded!


Trams often seem toy-like rather than models, and I think that's usually down to the painting which can be awkward with their intricate liveries and delicate railings, but these are indeed exquisite - even down to the subtle weathering, and are probably the best models of trams I've seen.


Looking forward to seeing more of the setting and the railway passing through it.

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