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Edinburgh Junction... Colas 47 and loads more!

Edinburgh Junction


Hiya guys!


Time for my new blog... and I better had explain the layout over here! Right, here goes..........

Edinburgh Junction, is a 00 gauge model railway based near Edinburgh (hence the name). It currently runs on 2 baseboards, making up a 1800x2400mm baseboard. The layout runs on normal Hornby track, with Gaugemaster underlay for better running. The layout has a station, with 5 platforms, a siding/engine shed, and a mainline. The platforms are made from Metcalfe kits, which are really easy to use. The station building is also a Metcalfe product, along with the Parcels office/Waiting room just down the platform. With Platform 1 for the shorter, more local trains such as my 156 and 153, this allows the platform to take upto 3 carriages. Platforms 2 and 3 on the otherhand, are mainly for the mainline, long distance trains such as my 390, and any occasional charter services. This allows any trains upto 4 carriages (not very long, but long enough for the layout).


Platforms 4 and 5 are local service platforms, taking my 2 carriage units, and any locos that want to stable in the loco stabling point oposite platform 5. These platforms curve off from the platform 3 line, then split into two lines going to each of the platforms. These are the only 2 platforms that are terminus platforms.


The mainline is only a formation of 2 tracks, but with platforms 1 and 3 splitting off from the lines, this allows for the trains. The clockwise track, you can access both platforms 2 (on mainline) and 3 (branched off). The anti-clockwise track, you can access the thru line, for passing trains such as the daily ballast train, or speedy passengers (on mainline) and platform 1 (branched off). From platform 1, heading anti-clockwise, you can go straight on, rather than joining the mainline, to go to both the sidings or engine shed.


At one corner of the layout, is a new hill, which will have a tunnel, allowing the mainline to pass through. This is currently being constructed out of plywood, wire mesh, modelling rock and scatter grass. This will be completed by the end of August 2009.


More news, pictures and gossip on the layout will be available from time to time. I will try to update you as much as I can, so dont worry!


I have pictures on flickr, videos on YouTube, and everthing to do with the layout on my website


My gallery is still under construction, so please be patient. But, for loads of photos to keep you going, please click here




Jack :D :D


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Thank you to my mate, he has given me a very good idea. Inbetween the control panel, and the left hand side of the layout, is just nothing. But he has had an idea. He knew I wanted terminus platforms, but he said how about extending the board in this gap, with a few platforms that terminate. Well, I thought that would be a fantastic idea! Right, the mock-up story is "With Edinburgh Junction's high rate of passengers every day, the station needs to improve the platforms, to allow the trains to work at their best. We are going to be introducing two new platforms to the station, both to be terminus platforms for all 2 carriage trains to the west. This will allow the mainline platforms to be available, for all services with longer trains, or passing through trains. We will be starting the construction at the beginning of January 2010, and hope to get it to an operational stage by early/mid February"


Hows about that then? Christmas money and presents, new year project. Please note that on the diagram, where it looks like the new track splits off from the platform 3 line, it is just a left hand point, so the curve off to the left is part of the curve to platform 3. Also, the stabling point for the locos may not be there.



If anyone has any questions, please ask. I cannot wait to get this all under way.

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Looks great Jack if you need any help you know how to get hold of me,can't wait to see it finished which may occur at the same time as the DBS 37 coming out

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Thanks Richard! Right, its time to update the plan


The first R609 from the platform 3, as it enters the platform, will be replaced by a set of left hand curved points R8074. This will then have an R610 piece of track, then another set of R8074s (yea, expensive, but it works a treat). Then another R610, then a short curve R628, where another R610. This leads to a set of right hand points R8073. Platform 3 straight on, and go back to the loco storage which will be R601 (Medium straight). The platforms will carry 2 carriage trains using R603 (Long straight).


Here is what it looks like (screenie from Hornby Virtual Railway 2)


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Been busy thinking today - doesnt do me any good! lol


Christmas present from my parents is going to be pre-ordered today, with the postal strike and that, best order early. Last year, it was ScotRail 156465 Hornby DCC, which was bought from the MMRS exhibition in October. This year however, its going to be one of the new engines joining the ViTrains' production line. It is Colas Rail liveried 47739 officially named 'Robin of Templecoumbe', which is dcc ready, and will be ordered from eHattons. I was tempted to go for one of the others, which are ltd editions from RailExpress, numbers 47727 'Rebecca' and 47749 'Demelza' which are ltd double packs, which some model shops are selling the locos induvidually. Anyway, I like 47739's name. It is going to look good working charters and freight trains, and it will take part in the extension, which can be noted about above in part 1 of the update. The project is going to be done by Colas, just for fun really! New loco to the fleet + new project = put the new loco on the new project duties! lol Really cannot wait to see this beast on the layout, so please do keep an eye out for it with-in the next few months!!!!!!


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Hi Jack,


Great to see your layout is still progressing well! You should put your Colas 47 onto a timber flow - I know it won't be exactly right but you could wait until Hornby bring out their OTA's and use the excuse that DB Schenker have hired them out to them! Just an idea - keep up the good work.




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Hi Mark!


Yea, its good to see it working again at its best! Yea, was thinking for some timber logs.... I shall keep an eye out for those OTA wagons. Thanks mate! Currently under the pieces of paper with the extension plan on it.


Talking about the extension, I've noted that the straight for platform 3 starts, where the straight will for the extension platforms, which is good, making it easy for me to mark out where the track ends.... yea, careful planning ay! The end of the platform track will finish right upto the edge of the control panel! Thats what I call good planning! Got it all marked out, and here is a picture of it at the moment (note the 156 is on platform 3 to mark out where it will sit). Also, does anyone know what would be suitable signals to use on the platforms? Im thinking a bit of 3 aspect, with a shunting signal for the stabling area.

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ooo sound good Jack id use 2 aspect starters then 3 aspect towards after the tunnel so if the station blocked they can be held there <_< :)

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Cheers! Thanks for the suggestions, but I think Im going for 3 aspect, coz Im not going to have any signals on the mainline, with the 4 aspects in the station. Video is going up now.

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An update for today! I was bored this afternoon, and had nothing to do.... so I got out my work board, used for the cutting etc, and all of my necessaries, and the metcalfe platform kit. Took down my template for the new terminus platforms, and viola! In about 1 hour, I came up with a platform, long enough to take 2.5 carriages (yea, not enough space to fit the other door on if I did a 156/153 combo, so its enough space for a unit, and shunter if needed. Also, enough clearance for the point, and all I need to do, is place a little hole, between 3-5mm diameter, which will be where I put my wires thru for my scratch, built signal gantry, to be made out of plasticard for the main structure, and thin brass strips for the hand rails, which are flat bars, harder for us modellers (the idea of the gantry, comes from Wirral Fine Scale's magnificent 'Widnes Vine Yard').





Video going up now.

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47739 'Robin of Templecoumbe' in Colas Rail livery, from ViTrains, has now been pre-ordered, and should be on the layou in time for Christmas, the best time of the year!

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Update on the paints:


With the money from Railmatch models, who don't seem to exist, I have got the money back into the PayPal account and a few days ago, ordered the two same paints from Gaugemaster. They have now arrived, and will be applied on sunday (bufferbeam red and matt black). The rest of the loco (eg orange stripes, numbers, etched brass frames etc) will be applied over the Christmas holiday, allowing the train for complete action for the extension. the project is contracted by DRS, with a big share over to Colas. Colas are doing the traction movements, and maintenance work, whilst DRS take on the plans, and the operation. 20312 will be operational very soon. :lol: :lol: Im very happy atm

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With the lovely new paints which arrived a few days ago from Gaugemaster, a more trusty service than RailMatch models (cough cough), the first coat, and the only coat of Matt Black went onto the roof, and by god! It looks good! Dried very quickly, and is now all taped up for its buffer red paint to be applied (later on today). Realised, that I need to order another set of DRS compass 20 transfers from Lancaster City Models.... some of them are flicking off..... lesson to be learnt - dont rush.





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Bufferbeam coat 2 just gone on, nice and fresh. In the photos, you will see that I've made sure I still have the holes for the detailing pack.... I will be going around the loco once finished all of the painting (which is very soon) with a bit more DRS blue, just to cover up any splodges of paint, or to cover up the cab side.....




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Track-idty track! Yea, something that hasn't arrived in a package for me for ages! Its the track for the extension! Was ordered as a surprise by my parents... He he! Right, its all of the track appart from the curves 2x R608 3rd radius (the shorter ones, its double brother is R609).


I have got a video up



And a few pictures for you to rootle through:


An overall view of what the terminus extension will look like


The station platforms demonstrated by its units its going to be served with, which are 153324 (right) and 156465 (left)


Coal Sector 37239 tests out the loco stabling point opposite platform 5




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With the track being early, it was time to nip out today to the woodies, and collect my ply wood (10mm). Yea, got that, and some timber! Screws, hard work, drill, saw and ta da! I got my extension, a very firm addition to the layout.


Got my flexitrack, so I could do my curves to my platforms.... Ah, big problem! Can't put the fishplates on..... sleepers in the way. Track moves everywhere.... AGH! Stuff the flexitrack, use it for spare if needed. Just got a piece of R609, cut it in half (makes 2x R608s), cut about an inch from the end of one of the 'R608s' and do a bit of sleeper swapping and I have my modified track, to put in! I've tested the pendo and 153 over that bit of track, and it runs really smoothly. Just need to do some work on the track, get 2 R608s (proper ones) for the platforms, and im done!


Board is 10cm wider than planned, so need to think up on what to put in that extra 10cm.... and ideas guys?

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another platform or a second line next to platform 4 so you have 2 stabling points?sounds great can't wait to see it

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Going to cut some track tonight, so the platform track sits on the extension, rather than on the control panel. Also, if I have time, will get the platform shortened for the same reason as the track.


For my signals, Im not going to be using wall mounted Eckon signals, so I can scratchbuild a gantry, im going to be just using normal 3 apsect signals, as with the space available on the platform, and how long the trains are on the platform, there is no point. Its normal signals for this extension too! So in the long run, its cheaper.


3rd carriage ordered, and getting it for Xmas. Its the very rare Hornby R4330 'Tourist class' grand central carriage (why they are very rare at the moment, no body knows)....


The 10cm gap, will be some sort of a field, with a tractor, cows/sheep etc... a lovely little country scene. Good idea methinks!?

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