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Z21 - Dealing with the track plan....



OK, so after playing with the settings on the loco's to get more realistic running now it's time to turn my attention to the track plan, so I can control the points using the App.


I had taken a photo of the layout but it just was too vague and lead to confusion about which point was where. The problem being the contrast being too low to produce a clear picture!


So instead I've made a maximum sized drawing of the layout using a black marker pen on a piece of paper.




I know this is not to scale, but it is so much clearer than the photo.


As my main layout will be bigger than a simple A4 sheet, I will be playing with that aspect next....


On the loco front, I've been adding a few loco's to my register. There is one problem: I have a number of 2095 class loco's. Luckily they all have a different paint job, but what if you have two loco's that look exactly the same? Luckily, you do get to see a piece of text at the bottom, but when playing not looking hard enough it is easy to mix them up. I know that as a train driver you should pay attention at all times, but as a hobbyist, I might be talking to someone who's visiting!


I also have two completely identical green Fleischmann N-gauge Rack loco's how will I tell which is which? Not an easy problem to solve!


Somethings that have been noticed by myself and a friend:


- Point addresses when talking to a Lenz LS-150 have shifted up by 4 (at least when using a Fleischmann Profi-Boss)

- Left and Right seem to be reversed when compares to a Profi-Boss and a multi-Maus




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