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This is a picture of Raven that I found here: http://www.broadgauge.co.uk/locomotives/d52_raven_class.shtml





What struck me was how much like it was to these:


Hornby Caley pugs


Now I don't have a drawing of the Raven class, but they do look awfully similar. So similar, in fact, that I'm starting to wonder why Horny have never produced one of these as a 'fictitious' livery for the Caley - after all, they seem to have done everything else. :)


So anyway, I picked up a couple of pugs this morning from the toy fair (who doesn't love a bargain?) I bought two because the L&Y livery version looks so cute that I will probably keep it 'as is'. The LMS red one (which the previous owner has already had a go at with a brush) is for the chop.


It's quite tempting just to leave it as it is and re-livery it... but the changing the boiler fittings, chimney etc would make such a big difference I think it would be worth the effort. The cab needs extends backwards by the look of it too - not sure how, but hey-ho I'll have a think.


Any ideas where I can get name and number plates from ?

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That's ok Stefan, don't fret :)  I'm looking at 247 Developments website - sounds like they do custom plates but it's not entirely clear from the website. I'll give them a ring in the week.


Next question:

Do you think this would have been painted GWR green? To my untrained eye it looks very dark - although maybe the tank is a different shade of 'dark' than, say, the cylinder covers (which look very black) lol 


Surely, once absorbed, the GWR would have painted her green?

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My guess is that Raven would have kept the GWR livery, since she was built by GWR, sold and then returned.


Why not try something a little different? In 1881 they changed the lining from white/black/white to orange/black/orange and the frame colour from Windsor Brown to Indian Red, but they kept the wheels green. I don't think I've seen a model with this livery, This might not be correct for a saddle tank though.


I looked closer at the picture and, to me, there seems to be lining on the cab and side panel but not on the tank.





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I don't have one of those Hornby pugs to compare, but it looks a bit on the large size to me. Raven and friends had 3' drivers, so I estimate no more than about 21 or 22 ft over headstocks.


One fly in the ointment is that when they were converted to standard gauge in 1892, they received new domed boilers and tanks. The original tanks were around 450 gallon capacity, but the new tanks held 700 gallons. They covered the smokebox but left a longer length exposed at the rear to clear the new raised firebox.


Of course, you could try converting to Broad Gauge...



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Party pooper :D 


It was always going to be a compromise - but I think I can live with it with a few tweaks.

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