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First stop!



Hi all, thanks for being nosey and coming to check this out!


lets get some basics!,


firstly, this is my 3rd attempt at creating a model railway, originally i hada specific room that the layout was permanantly fitted to, but that wasnt working out too well with the lady of the house so i agreed to do something smaller but of the same style etc....also didnt work, got broken :/

So here we are at the 3rd attempt, and reduced scale too! im now working in n gauge, back to my childhood roots!


secondly, a breif explanation of the layout itself!

Feltenham is a fictional location (i hope) and is somewhere in the western region flying the GWR flag originally in the 30's. the layout will go through some minor changes to create new eras, simply different engines, rolling stock, road vehicles etc, all the way through GWR, BR (WR) & into preservation in the end.


the trackplan is as follows at present. (just a basic plan) the whole board is 6ft x 2ft but im using 16" of the 2ft area as the main area, with the remaining area behind as a casette yard



Feltenham will be a GWR branch terminus, the station area being based on Ashburton, but with modifications in the goods area,

the platform will be long enough to hold a 4 carriage train, with a run around and an engine shed (bottom left) there is only a single line for branch movement outwards.

slighly above (3rd & 4th line from the bottom) is the goods yard area, incorperating a goods shed, and an open siding for straight to road unloading etc.


the sidings at the top, are the exchange sidings for an off scene dairy, with the impression that its close by but still far enough to need an exchange to avoid timetale delays on the branchline itself. the line going to the dairy is the inward curve. both this line and the outer curve will disappear under a road over bridge. the exchange sidings will be walled off from the goods yard, with fencing following the line under the bridge. the entrance will also have a gate, which will be servo operated to open & close when not in use.


so thats that part!, next for some general running plans!!


passenger - a mix of autocoaches via a 14xx (1 autocoach) & a 64xx (3 autocoaches). there will also be a couple of 3 & 4 coach trains on the odd occasion at peak times etc.


freight - the general freight for the station/town will be loaded/unloaded at the goods shed and siding - pretty obvious!. no specific plans for freight, just a nice mix.


the main emphasis on the freight will be movements to the dairy, generally a tanker & siphon milk train departing from the dairy in the morning, leaving to join the main line. leaving a few tankers behind for use down the branchline, and vice versa for the return trip of empties later in the day (both twice a day!) also i'll incorperate a short coal train to go to the dairy, after all they'll need some to keep the place running!(i imagine)


i'll have the odd parcel train coming during the night mode and anything else i fancy running really!!


so thats the general plan! dont know how prototypical it is but sod it its mine! muahahaha!


i'll put a few pictures up shortly of the baseboard in its partially complete state! (the main boards done im just finishing the containment!


hopefully ive not bored you already!!


all the best, Paul :D


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