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A long time since I posted anything!



Hello all


It's been a long time my last post on this blog. I went through hellish times at work last year being suspended as the Acting Head Teacher wanted to try and get rid of me, so my modelling mojo disappeared. However, we now have a new Head Teacher who's supporting me and life generally is far, far better, so my modelling mojo's reawakening and I'm building stuff.


In the previous posts I've put up items about a layout based in Norfolk - this is a long term project so nothing has happened since, but I also have a small layout in the planning that's purely industrial and I've been building some stock for that.


The latest loco to come from the shops is a BR ex LNER Y7 0-4-0T from a Pocket Money kit. This is a kit that Jim McGeown of Connoisseur Models used to produce from scaled down artwork for his 7mm kits and I believe it's no longer produced.


For me, it is vitally important that my models run well, so I've used a Porterscap gearbox (they're no longer available,but you can get similar from high Level kits) with 80:1 gearing, a Mashima 1015 motor with flywheel. The wheels are from Alan Gibson's range, as are the clack valves and whistle. I think that's all the bits, but if you want to know anything about the model, please feel free to ask.


Regrettable I didn't think to take many photos of the build, but here's the few I have got.










Last night I spent a few minutes with the last finishing touch, the lamp irons, so now the loco's ready for the paint shop.








And finally,

takes you (hopefully!) to a YouTube video of the loco running up and down the only test track I have at the moment which is on my, currently, rather untidy and messy work desk. My better half has told me to use the desk in our spare bedroom as my modelling bench so I'm in the process of putting up shelves etc. to get everything arranged so I be a neat and tidy worked (that will be a first for me!).


My own digital camera is with my step son at the moment, so all the pictures of the loco and the video were taken on my 'phone, so aren't necessarily of the best quality, for which, apologies.



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Well I've just watched your Youtube clip and I think I might have a roundabout compliment for you here - I've trawled back through your other blog entries to work out if your Y7 was built in S7 or not!!

Now that I know, from one EM gauger to another, well done!

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Well I've just watched your Youtube clip and I think I might have a roundabout compliment for you here - I've trawled back through your other blog entries to work out if your Y7 was built in S7 or not!!

Now that I know, from one EM gauger to another, well done!


I'll take that as a roundabout compliment! Much appreciated.



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