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Woodwork & the next level !



The bad weather has arrived this afternoon as forecast so its back inside for some laptop work, blog & thread updates & some research into some decent track !


Did manage a couple of hours woodwork earlier this afternoon and managed to complete the higher level base and frame 3 sides of the main board with 6mm ply. All sanded, glued, screwed & nailed with a good level surface, no big gaps (my usual wood working outcome !) and no sign anything will move or warp.




Sourced some alignment dowels this morning so should get them fitted tmow & hopefully if the weather allows for working outside I can get the remaining 19''x30'' fiddle board finished and connected to the main board. Plan to use clips at the side along with the dowels and when supported by 2 Wickes trestles it should all hold together well. Weight wise, its certainly lighter than the MDF stuff I have put together before and should make transportation to those rolling landscapes a lot easier !!




The shots below should start to give you an idea of size, scale, the sense of space & some of the great angles I can get from all round the board.












Looking into track later today. Need to consider cost and also the fact that I have spare Peco code 75 in the Brooke stores but if this bull head stuff really is impressive then I might be tempted. It makes sense to use it as I have bags of time to research & purchase it and when you consider it will probably feature in every photo I take, it surely justifies the upgrade ?






Recommended Comments

Hi Jon, great progress, it's inspiring to see how quick you work! I think the track investment would be worth it... As you say it'll be in every photo!

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