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Tudor House part 4: Roofing and Gardening.



I have continued the gardening with the bulk of the focus being slabs and the flowerbed in the centre.

This bed contains Delphiniums, lavender and will contain something else once i think of something to make, I am tempted by a Hydrangea bush but any suggestions would be great.

The bed soil is made from a pile of ballast and then painted a dark brown.2014-06-20120134_zps7738e36a.jpg

The delphiniums are made using a 0.1mm copper wire, painted and coated with a foam scatter, painted light blue, leaves were cut from painted tissue attached to more copper wire which was entwined with the central stem.2014-06-20112154_zpsf9a1c6a4.jpg2014-06-20155531_zps00cc5260.jpg



The lavender was made using a similar technique but with colours and leaf shapes changed accordingly.



Another major step is in finishing the roof of the shed, it was my first experience with making a slated/tiled roof properly rather than a scalescenes type printed jobbie, slates used are Viscountess (9"x 18") and cut individually from 220 gsm card.


The cardbord base




I couldn't think what to use for ridge tiles until I had a yoghurt and realised the corners from side to top could do a pretty good job.



Some areas were painted with glue and yellow weathering powder and talk were used to make some lichen, a few dots of foam scatter and black paint were used for moss, this is the finished article


and again from the front.


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