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Wires, wires and more wires



FINALLY I have completed the signalling wire runs on board one. The last to be connected to the 'box were oddly the signals closest to it!


here's a quick snap showing how I have, maybe unconventionally used a pulley wheel on the post of the main signal. I added Woodland Scenics fine cinders to the base of the signals before adding the wire runs by just applying PVA to the base with a brush then sprinkling the cinders over the top. A quick hoover with a hanky over the en of the nozzle cleared up the excess to be re-used again :)




I now need to put boards one and two together to sort out where to start the runs on board two and do it all again! Thankfully the runs are much simpler - just two point rods (with compensators) and some straight wire runs to 4 signal aspects.


I am looking forward to doing some other scenic work though - there's so much to do before RMweb Live!

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