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Finishing off the Lima/Hornby RailRoad class 31



The transfers have now all been added and weathering improved/added to. There were a couple of minor setbacks: the matt varnish on the roof dried a lot glossier than the satin varnish on the sides, and one of the numbers dissolved in the satin varnish (I was probably too rough with the brush!).


I have reapplied the missing number and added blue star coupling codes on the ends. I revarnished the roof area using a Testors lacquer, which tends to dissolve any paint layers beneath it if one dwells on the spot too long, leaving one or two spots that need re-weathering.


For the first photo my phone camera somehow decided to turn the flash on (I always leave it turned off) so, while it is not a good photo as such, it does cruelly highlight any errors or omissions in my modelling. In this case it has picked out the bright yellow plastic interior of the body, so it looks like I'm going to have to source some cab interiors and paint the insides of the body too.




These next shots show it in a better light (no pun intended but it works!!) and I think it has come up looking OK.








Looking at the front end, I need to do a little weathering around the doors and seams, flooding a little black wash into them to eliminate the slightly plasticky look.

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Hi Jeff, I don't think I have posted on your blog before.


The class 31 looks good. Maybe add a bit of brown in the black when you do the front. I have a spare handrail too if you need one. Noticed you have one missing.


Cheers Peter.

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Hi Peter.


I agree, pure black is usually overkill.


I knocked the handrail off during handling and can't find where I put it for safe keeping. If you can supply a spare I would very much appreciate it.





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I will dig it out and bring it to your meeting. Nice to you are getting a bit done on your layout.


Cheers Peter.

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I like this very much indeed. Is this a "native" Lima offering ('scuse my ignorance!) or a conversion from a h/code box fitted example - very good if it's the latter. I have the Lima D5679 on a new Hornby R/road chassis - the handrails keep disappearing from  mine. Although i do make them from stationery staples! Perhaps I should start using some glue on 'em. For less dramatic weathering effects I use black carbon paper rubbed on - it's excellent on bodysides and roofs - have loads of unused sheets, if you'd like some f.o.c. please let me know. regards malcolm

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Hi Malcolm.


This was a 'native' Lima offering - 'skinhead' 31 004 was its out-of-the-box guise.

I did detail another Lima 31 and made up my own handrails from fine wire. They are coarser than the Lima originals and doing the ones with the bend in was a bit of a pain.



The Lima handrails are very fine and very easy to damage or to lose, as we have both found out the hard way!! :D

The carbon paper sound like a good idea for weathering effects and is probably really good for around the the exhaust outlets. Thanks for the kind offer to send some to me but I am in Australia, which could bump up the postal costs a bit.

Thanks also for the compliments.

Kind Regards,


Jeff Lynn,

Melbourne, Australia.

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Hi jeff ! Only just seen your reply today!! Like your '327 - I have great memories of this at the local glassworks back in 1988 with a sand train - took some b/w photos. I can send you some c/paper sheets foc if you wish btw - won't cost that much. regards Malcolm

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Hi Malcolm.

I wouldn't say no to those sheets as long as you are offering. I have to say that it is very generous of you, so thank you. :)

My address is in a PM to you.

I very much appreciate your suggestion and help with finishing the models off properly.


Kind Regards.



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