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Slater's All Third - Chassis Painted



The target for the weekend was to get the chassis painted and that was achieved, eventually ......


here's the chassis all cleaned and prepped for primer




So, Sunday morning after the storms the sun came out and so did the paint - far too early as it was way too humid still and the primer went on like talcum powder. After an hour in Superstrip and another good go with the Cillit Bang! I was back to stage one ...


Fortunately mid afternoon a breeze was evident and the pool of water on the patio table disappeared. Another go with the primer on some scrap etch - all good :)


The sun was warm and the primer drying almost before it touched the metal and so we soon had a nice all grey chassis




Followed rapidly by a satin black coating




Next steps are to refit the wheels and fabricate/fit the brake pull rods. The buffers will be oil finished and then fitted which will see the chassis ready for the the body :)

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  • RMweb Gold

Ta, wheels are back on and brake pull rods fitted. Just got the lamp irons and buffers to fit and it's ready for it's body :)

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