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Low relief cottages - the truth revealed! Strange angles and dodgy woodwork.





This picture shows the view of the cottages that most layout viewers will see: other angles will be blocked off by strategically placed buildings and trees etc.





This is the view that shows the true shape of the buildings; they are butted up to the backscene normally.




This view shows the strange shape of the roof tiles, which were cut in strips after being printed on to card. They were originally drawn up in Adobe Illustrator, but the version i have (CS2) doesn't make it easy to control distortion finely, so I moved the file into Photoshop, where it was simple.




The closest cottage has a full coat of DAS modelling clay which I used for the blocks of stone. The decorative bricks were printed on to card, stuck on, reinforced with Shellac in the form of Knotting (something I find really useful, it was good on the roof tiles as well for stiffening and protecting from the paint layer). This first cottage is loosely modelled on an actual building at Corris.

As the cottages recede, there is less sculpting, so the rearmost one is almost entirely painted on flat surface.





These are "transition cottages"; they are almost flat, with some stuck on detail to ease the eye from 3 to 2D.

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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

Wonderful artistry. I use the term artistry because it is not an engineer's approach but really works well.


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Thank you all again for the encouragement.  More to follow to soon I hope!  


I have to complete visible parts of the gardens of the cottages, and add some internal lighting and some token interior detail in a couple of the rooms of the cottages before they can be fixed in place and the road surface made good. There will be exterior steps in front of the doors.  At that point I may break off briefly from the scenic work to build one or two more wagons, as my trains only consist of an open and a Toad brake van at the moment.  


I've been sorely tempted to stray into DCC Sound territory recently, and if anyone with knowledge of the best decoders to use in my Tower Brass locos can advise me, I should be very happy to hear from them. I should also welcome advice on controllers for a layout where no more than two locos will ever move at the same time.  I live in Whitstable, Kent and I'm not aware of any specialists locally who can give advice, but I would be happy to travel a fair distance to someone who can help with supply and possibly fitting of the right sound decoders.

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  • RMweb Gold

Really clever modelling!  I'm even more impressed by what you've managed to achieve, now you have shown us exactly how you did it!  


Inspiring stuff.



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