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Brackhampton and the 21st century - part 8



The latest CAD ramblings.


I've been playing with the canopy parts to see if construction could be made simpler by putting all the parts together and this is the result.





I've ordered three of these to test out the modular design and see if it works. if it does I shall be selling a lot of unopened ratio canopy kits.


The eagle eyed amogst you will have spotted that one of the arms on the support has lost its detail. I don't know why this keeps happening, but it does not look like this on the Shapeways site. We shall have to see what it looks like when it arrives. I am expecting it any day now.


If this works then I shall need a canopy end piece and here it is





So you can see with these two parts and a spare support canopies of any length of a tolerable GWR design can be built for reasonable outlay - lol


for example





Though seriously I am wondering if there is a market for these. We shall have to see what the actual products look like.


Finally as a bit of fun (who am I trying to kid) this is the entrance from livery street.




Still a bit of work to do on the brickwork and the crest above the door will have to be added in modelling clay. Again the rivet counters will have noticed that the inner door is not arched. I have done this because the topology of my Livery Street is a little lower than the actual one which has resulted in me stretching the door downwards to meet the proposed pavement. This made the door too tall and narrow for my liking, so I lowered the lintel by adding the inner archway.


Still some brickwork to add - and my goodness that is laborious.



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My first Job in B'ham (1953/ 1955) involved walking past that door every day down Livery Street. Ashamed to say that I never seemed to have time to venture into the station, or take pictures... It was always going to be there ...Wasn't it?? .... I don't think I've been back there since!

Do I recall an access to the station within the underpass at the lowest part of Livery Street?


Impressed by the 3D CAD drawings!

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I never knew the station in service, but my researches (rather grand way of saying I've read everyone elses books) suggest three entrances, one from Colmore Row and the top of Livery street into the main ticket office. the second midway down Livery Street through this doorway which led into a subway under the platforms shared with the parcels traffic and the third under Great Charles St bridge, the white arcaded remains of which can still be seen.


I've often wondered what it must have looked like walking down those side streets of Colmore Row with Snow Hill at the end rising like a brick glass and cast iron cliff face at the end of the street.

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Yes, it was the Great Charles St. bridge (more like a tunnel, it seemed!) that I half-remembered. Don't recall ever seeing anyone entering there. Always seemed a gloomy, unwelcoming area.

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It still is a gloomy and unwelcoming area, especially now that the new bridge span for the Midland Metro has been built on the east side of the railway bridge. The atmosphere isn't helped by the plaque on the railway bridge abutment that tells you that you are standing close to where the last public execution in Birmingham took place.

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