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Post #003 Getting my head round DCC



I've read quite a bit about DCC and despite lots of reassurances from RM Webbers saying that DCC isn't complicated, it always felt like it would be difficult. This isn't a criticism of any individual RM Webber, but one problem is there are often conflicting views and from a non-expert position there's no arbiter to help you work out who is right. And the likelihood is, in their way, everyone is right, depending on their circumstances.


I read the Hornby booklet that came with the train set and it seemed very simple indeed. Hornby try to make their train sets to 'plug in and play', so I assume you can just do that. However, I still felt a little short on the knowledge department.


A quick trip to the Ian Allan Bookshop later and I bought this useful publication from Railway Modeller, for the princely sum of 75p!




I have found it very helpful in demystifying DCC. I did look at some of the larger books. There were two in there, and they are probably more suited to modellers further on than me. But at some point I will probably seriously consider buying them.


As a new starter in DCC, I'd recommend this booklet to anyone else thinking of getting into it. As I said in my first blog post, I have jumped into this. I have no regrets, but I think it would have been useful to have read this book first so I had more of an idea exactly what I am getting myself into.

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Recommended Comments

In terms of wiring advice, there is plenty on the DCC concepts website as well, which is well explained and there are plenty of diagrams.

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Also on a side note, I started where you are now about 4 years ago. There is plenty of good advice on this forum. I also know that there will be a number of challenges ahead as you want more out of your railroad and you want it to evolve. Feel free to PM me any time you have a question.


If I may, I can also recommend 2 really good books by Iain Rice, realistic railroad modelling (an excellent book that gives you some really good solid info to get you started in most aspects of the hobby, written extremely well, It also has an excellent section on couplings to get your grey matter going) and shelf modelling for model railroaders (its for American layouts, but the thoughts and concepts in tackling a railroad are excellent). There is also another one on realistic layout design which I believe is also very good, however I haven't had a chance to read it.


I wish you all the best of luck in your endeavour.

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