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LNER D6- back to start!

James Harrison


Whilst I have my playaround with a Gn15 loco, I'm also working on my more serious projects.


Last month I alluded to how work on my hackbashed D6 had ground to a halt for want of a decent running chassis. Payday came and went and with it I was able to buy some 8mm square plastic tube.


What I was then able to do was to drill 5mm diameter holes through this tube, and into these holes I fitted some bearings which are sold as spares for the Triang/Hornby 9F. I then slotted the axles through the bearings, refitted the wheels and coupling rods and gave it a test push along a length of rail....


Success! I now have a very sweetly-rolling chassis to build off of.






(A cruel, and slightly out of focus, close-up showing the bearings). Assuming 14mm back-to-back, and 8mm for the tube, I had 6mm to play with and as you can see it fits; though there is no more than 2mm of sideplay in the axles. No matter as I'm not intending to run the loco on trainset curves in any case.


Next steps will be to fit the bogie and the pickups.

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