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Building a wagon underframe






The timber underframe (scale 12" x 6" basswood) was only glued together this evening.I had cut these parts out several years ago, and they've been languishing in a box of bits ever since! Amazingly, I also managed to find the whitemetal castings for the axle guards and the brake blocks that I had originally intended for it.


The axleguards are a superceded casting originally from GAGO then Waratah Models, the latter company now recently bought out by ModelOKits. The casting for the brakes comes from a big bag of whitemetal bits that I bought off ebay many years ago, which contained all sorts of odds and ends, mainly brake bits, which I've been keeping aside for building my own fleet of wagons. Coupling hooks are from Slaters as will be the split-spoke wheels.


If I could find my 2.5mm drill bit, I would have fitted the wheelsets and had a rolling chassis by now! I cannot even remember what this wagon chassis was going to be for... a coal hopper of some sort perhaps?


Most of my models are a mixture of scratch-building, kit-bashing and a mish-mash of all sorts of bits that I have found. They are inspired by prototypes, but are "representations" rather than strict scale models.


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