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Work has finally started on the platforms



After a long hiatus of mostly working on stock I've decided I really need to get the platforms up to scratch. After the disaster with the cardboard topping warping in the variable atmospheric conditions I've gone for all all plastic platform top. Wills york paving cut up does the job just great. Just need to weather it a bit and add the tarmac centre strip. Takes quite a long time though as the platforms are roughly 12 feet long.


I've also made a couple of signals for the platform ends out of the excellent (although blinking fiddly) Ratio kits, chopping them around to get the right format as it were. At the moment they are just sat on the platform but will be properly blended.


Finally I've constructed a prototype platform light. I couldn't find an off the shelf example and so made my own chopping around one from a cheap pack bought off ebay. The lamp head itself was made from a disc of plasticard with a decorative item that I bought in a pack of 100 stuck to it. I'm quite pleased with the result after a few minutes work.


Here's a view of the down Cornish Riveria arriving which shows the progress on all three areas. I note the prototype lamp (too close to the signal, it will be moved) is a bit skewiff here although it's not really noticeable in the flesh. I'll have to make sure the production version is spot on. blogentry-17116-0-00924000-1413471232_thumb.jpg

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Wow a man after my own heart. Modelling Penzance in the 1970's i will watch this thread with my full attention.


I will be eventually ( when i get my shed built ) be modelling PZ during the late 60's / early 70's in O gauge.


I would love to see some pics of your rolling stock as well as some pics of your layout .



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