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Peterborough show annoyance



While I always enjoy Peterborough show, I get continually annoyed of the exploitation by the catering outlets at the showground. Extortionate prices, lousy food and filthy tables and surroundings - we ate in the foyer area surrounded by remnants of other people's droppings on the floor and table, disgusting. For the prices they charge I would expect reasonable restaurant surroundings and service. £3.50 for a cornish pastie was way overpriced considering you get plastic cutlery to eat it with and don't even get a plate with it. Peterborough is the most expensive catering I have experienced at any model railway exhibition. I would urge everyone in future to boycott these places and maybe with a bit of luck eventually they will have to improve and bring the prices down to an acceptable level.


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I stopped attending this event for this and other valid reasons. Had a good day at Chelmsford MRC and treat Spalding as the Premier event for this area.


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BUY food from an exhibition outlet?  Not b...y likely for all the reasons you state.  I a) take my own or b) buy from the organisers if they are providing (eg the Crawley club show at Horsham).  It supports the club's funds as well...

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Having experienced some dire catering experiences at other shows in the past I have sympathy with you. Some shows provide excellent catering at good value, especially some of the smaller events.

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...when I said 'boycott' in my original posting, I meant the catering outlets, not the exhibition itself!

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Catering at a lot of events is at best marginal, not just model railway exhibitions and caterers seem to want to make as much as possible without supplying a quality product. The problem is that the great British public keep buying sub quality product. Personally I try to take my own snack and then stop at a suitable hostelry on the way home without the crush to relax and reflect on the day. Why waste time at an exhibition eating when you could be watching or playing trains? ;-)

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All I will say is the catering at our humble little show has often been praised for quality and value.

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