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Planning and templates



Evening all


As I've mentioned in previous blog postings, the MRC is running a layout challenge that limits the builder to a board of 4 foot by 1 foot. I'm using this as an excuse to start my new Irish Broad Gauge project. The layout will be as simple as one can get with only one line and no points. When finished, it will be extended to form a more complete layout, buts that not going to be for quite some time. It's based on a long siding from my imagined Westport-Roonagh line (see one of my earlier blog postings) down to the sea at Old Head. It was originally going to be based around the pier that does exist at that location but I decided against this in the end as I don't think 4x1 is enough space to portray the structure realistically. Instead, the layout will very much be an 'end of a siding' affair running along side the country road to pier.

I've spent today marking out the plan on my nice little 4x1 board. I made some quick templates on Templot (I think I'm beginning to get the hang of it now) and laid them out. This is quite a good way of seeing how the finished thing might look. I've tried to give the track a gentle curve rather than having a straight diagonal across the board. This looks quite pleasing to my eye and I'm satisfied enough with the plan that I will hopefully start building the trackwork before the end of the month. I need to get hold of something to use as underlay before this can start however (anyone ever tried Mounting Board??)

Attached are a couple of photos of the current state of play. You might spot what's left of Sandhurst in the background. I'd be lying if I said I shed a tear taking it apart (see my thread for discussion on THAT subject!)



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