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Major re-vamp planned



Over at the sister blog:




I have started on the baseboards and hand built track. Both are different from that used so far on the Legge Lane MPD. But, while I am very happy with the Legge Lane baseboards, I am now disillusioned with the Peco Code 75 track. So it will eventually be ripped up and replaced with bullhead railed copper clad sleeper hand built track to OO-SF standards.


The good news is that the turntable will stay, as will the Peco inspection pits, so not all is lost. I think the end result will be well worth the change.


Meantime the King is also on short term hold while I get to grips with Shipston. There are several other projects on hold and I have vowed to start to finish some of them over the next few months. So the re-laying of scale track may take a while.


As they love to say on the phone these days, please bare with me!


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