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Project X Revealed



blog-0280495001427925922.jpgRight, after several months, I am now in a) a position to and have time to explain the mysterious project that has been alluded to in previous posts. The reason for the secrecy as partly just to get a bit of suspense going. partly that I haven't had time to describe it fully and partly because I wasn't sure that the third party involved was happy to be mentioned for his sterling contribution. Well, all matters are resolved now so here we go.


I have never been happy with my attempts at motorising the two Worsley works Dick Kerr scratch aid kits I have and also hankered after a Westinghouse version. My previous attempts have involved various arrangements of roller bearings, horn blocks, and twin motors with fly wheels, but nothing has been satisfactory. Just after Christmas I mentioned this dilemma to a very nice chap I know called Trevor (a little bit famous for his Snailbeach Crowsnest layout and brilliant Kerr Stuarts and Baldwins as seen in Narrow Gauge and Industrial). All I asked for was a bit of help in working out gear spacings and ratios for a chassis that would drive both axles but he quickly came up with a plan for a couple of chassis using bits from his spares box and his pantograph milling machine. Not only that , but he was going to make the wheels and set it all up as a split chassis arrangement. As if this was not enough, I needed the locos up and running for the Nottingham exhibition, which, with holidays taken into account amounted to just five weeks!


Well, Trevor did me proud and just using my basic drawings for the chassis he produced a couple of masterpieces. Now, they might not be the prettiest looking chassis ever but they work beautifully and most of the gears are from dismantled videos and printers so are pretty green too! So some pictures;




This is the chassis for the Dick Kerr with the curved spoke wheels made up on the pantograph milling machine.




And this is the Westinghouse chassis with the straight spoke wheels made with two cutters, a milling head, a lathe and sheer skill!


I already had the body for the Dick Kerr but the Westinghouse was an entirely different matter - all to be reviled next time.

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