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More ups and downs



Well another week and yet more ups and downs. First the good news. The layout forms are starting to come back in greater numbers. At present the confirmed layouts have hit double figures which is pleasing. I know of a couple more that are definitely coming but are yet to confirm their forms and two that are awaiting confirmation from me.

The progress has seen me come up with a plan for a new feature at the show. Two of our exhibits have confirmed that they will be made available for visitors to use. Therefore I have hit upon a plan of creating an "interactive" room which will be solely made up of layouts that visitors can try. Not sure whether this is a new idea or not, but it will be new for us. It does mean I will need to find one or two more models that can be exhibited in this way. It is possible I will turn to a local model railway group for help in this matter - but if anyone else is willing to exhibit in this way then please get in touch!

I mentioned in a previous post that a couple of traders had let me down. I think I have got one replacement, but my search for a second has thus far proved unsuccessful. Sadly a further trader has "double booked" themselves and will not be attending. That is another blow so I will have to redouble my efforts to find replacements.


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Andy I had a couple of guest operators on Foster Street when I was there last year, and I will not allow it this year, they put me to shame they operated it better than me :)

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It's ok Paul you will not be in the interactive area. Would be nice to put together an RMWeb zone if we could!

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That could be arranged. I am thinking of the same spot as last year, although Will is hoping to be near by so I may have to change things slightly.

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That could be arranged. I am thinking of the same spot as last year, although Will is hoping to be near by so I may have to change things slightly.

I'll fight him for that spot, within easy reach of bacon butties and hot coffee, it was the only thing that keeping the operating crew subdued for the day, as the tranquilizers I got from the local vet had no effect.
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Bacon butties can be delivered on request of course, if you keep on the good side of the ladies in the kitchen.

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