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Farewell Special... and Opening Day



First of all, apologies to anyone expecting 2FS content. Let's just call this a summer special.


Today was a sad and a happy occasion. The builders arrive tomorrow to start work on our house extension. This means that the patio section of my garden line will have to close. Today was the final day, so I had to run a special.


On a happier note, I've been beavering away (re) laying the track on the North side of the garden where the track gets the most sun and consequently would never stay together properly. The old track had wooden sleepers with F/B rail pinned to it. The new track is Peco Streamline set in a bed of mortar so I'm hoping that it will prove less troublesome even if it doesn't look as nice. So the farewell special was also the opening special for the new section.


Some photos from the day. The loco is Sandy River No 24 - a coal fired 2-6-2 by John Shawe.



Stupidly I forgot to take any photos on the new section. Jackie got one, but it's not great. The new track has rather a TGV look about it rather than bucolic narrow gauge.



Last look...


The lifting gang starts work.



Oh dear!



The end of the line (for now).


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Perchance it only sleepeth?


That's the plan. There will be a new patio as part of the build, just further down the garden. The level will be specified quite carefully :).


There will still be a lot of new trackbed and track to do to align with the new stuff, so it will be a while before trains run on this section.

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Beeching was it???


I think the good doctor departed this life some time ago. More a question of 'move it or lose it' - same with the plants really. Funny that the plant I care most about is the insignificant spready stuff - brilliant for keeping weeds at bay with near zero effort. Suits my gardening style just fine!

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