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Foster Street - Dodginig a Bullet - Or - A Spot of Weathering



Well it's Sunday, the end of another hectic week, and the eve yet another, because I have been a very, very good Boy the Domestic Overlord, suggested that I could spend a little time on my layout :). Yes you guessed it I smelt a rat (maybe I'm just a born cynic, or I maybe I have a rat sniffing habit??).


Anyway, not to miss an opportunity to spend some time on the layout I proceeded very cautiously, in fact like a sneaky little squirrel. I have been working on and off on creating storage boxes for layout stock for use at exhibition and at home. I had previously managed to build 4 trays, each with 7 sections so this I thought was a good start.


Each of the trays was to be lined with foam to protect the stock, and I must admit doing this is more boring than even ballasting. So rather than line the trays, as the trays are made of plywood and no mater how well you sand them still liable to produce a splinter just when you don't want one, I covered the sides and part of the bases with making tape. Then master class in how to be sneaky I decided to paint these with the same paint I used for the facia.


How is this a sneaky master class I hear you ask, well I deliberately did a crap job, to which I feigned pride when showing my efforts to the Domestic Overlord, then waited for the "I better do the next painting around the house" or other similar remark, result the DO did as I expected and another DIY job avoided.


With one mission accomplished I then decided to do a little more stock weathering, and my the latest victims being some brake vans and LMS full brakes.


Compared to some of my stock, I tried to get an average, in service type of look for the vehicles, once fully dry I can always add a little more, or highlight a few areas a little better. My eye then fell on my two minitrix Ivatt's I know compared to the latest Farish model they certainly show their age, but I have a soft spot for them. One of them you may remember has alrray appeared in a blog entry, when I was in a re-numbering frenzy, it just needed weathering. The other one was found in a certain Liverpool box shifters for £20 so how could I refuse (I know it needs the smoke box door fixing, I'm working on it) but it soon had its new identity applied and soon will be weathered like her sister.


Once dry I will add lamps, and try and figure out how to add a crew???? I still have the feeling that even for LMS days one of them is still to clean so I may need to get some more grot applied?


Like ever though time flies when you are having fun, so I better leave it there, before the Domestic Overlord, starts to think I'm enjoying myself too much....plus being sneaky saying things like, "Darling I like spending time on my trains, but I like spending time with you more", works a treat any earning Brownie points, another Master Class delivered.


So until next time as ever Happy Modelling :)

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