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class 50 scratchbuild 9?



I've made some more progress on this model, one step forward and two steps back though.








I had almost finished this model and had it trapped between my knees while working on it and somehow it slipped out and fell nose first onto the tiled floor. This didn't do it any good, the cardboard sprung back into shape ok but the paint layer was badly cracked (see in third photo).

I made a fine file by gluing a strip of 400 grade wet and dry paper to a 5mm wide strip of plastic and filed down the damaged surface. I filled the damage with a couple of good applications of yellow acrylic paint, then rubbed those down with the file I'd made and finished with a coat of the same colour enamel I'd used originally. It now looks presentable.

In the second photo you can see I've started the numbering, I had a little problem with a couple of the waterslide overhead electric decals curling up and peeling, despite sealing them with Kleer. They are on quite thick decal paper and I suspect they weren't quite dry despite leaving them for over an hour as recommended in the instructions.

Personally I'm not a fan of this type of decal but it's all I could find.

So now I've nearly finished detailing, next some varnish, so more to come.



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Recommended Comments

  • RMweb Gold

I bet you're so frustrated with damaging your handywork Roly?


Thankfully you've managed to do a damage limitation exercise a repair it nicely.


It's coming together nicely and look forwards to seeing it on it's chassis.





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Hi Mark,

yeah I was pretty P'd off, particularly as I wasn't too happy with the quality of the work on the ends.

Although I'd designed and cut the ends from a drawing, the marker lights seem as if they're slightly too close together. The space left for the EHT lead plugs and sockets, which I suspect I've made slightly over scale as well, isn't enough. As a result the sockets are too near the lights.

My decision to use etched brass windscreen surrounds was the right one, I think, but I could have made a better job of the finishing around them. This, coupled with the repair work plus the poor preparation generally on the ends let the model down in my opinion.

I've just given the body a coat of satin varnish this afternoon ready for an attempt at weathering it.

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