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Foster Street - Will I complete a locomotive - Flying Pigs might err Fly



Well its been a strange sort of weekend, I potentially had a lot of time to devote to doing some serious modelling, which could have resulted in some of the outstanding jobs on the layout being completed. However, I must have angered the Gods or something and my plans were smashed.


The Domestic Overlord, bless their little cotton socks (well if you call feet like a hobbit little :)) stated to come down with the dreaded lurgy during the week, which reached a crescendo on the weekend, which just happened to coincide with my condition playing up meant I did not have the motivation of energy to do anything serious.


However being the stoic brave little solder that I am, despite a mountain of obstacles I actually managed to do a little modelling, and managed to do a little more work on additions to the locomotive fleet. My victims for this modelling session being my attempt to produce a passable Ivatt Class 4, a couple of Fowlers 7F's and a very, very vague attempt at a Parallel Patriot.


So what have I actually done?


Fowler 7F's

One uses an adapted 8F chassis and one an extended 08 chassis (both seemed to run well and the Warrington Exhibition). The chassis despite my best attempts otherwise seem to run okay, though I need to get a etch pen to blacken the brass worms, and maybe add dummy inside motion to fill up the space below the boiler. I managed to number the pair, but as I applied some varnish to protect the numbers on one a couple of the transfers broke up. Still a bit of weathering (well a lot, even in LMS days some where filthy), and I may be able to disguise it. All I need to be is add a crew, when I can find them, and lamps and they should pass muster?


Ivatt Class 4

I have finally got the chassis working smoothly, and just have to paint out the lining on the cylinders, and do some work on the motion bracket, and fit glazing to the cab, and a crew, and a lot of weathering, but if you close your eyes, and have the engine behind you, it's a bit like the intended prototype.


Fowler Parallel Patriot

What can I say about this, well actually lots but it would be mostly bad language an I'm a good boy and mummy said I should not swear. Anyway there are still a few areas on this to work on, to say the least, in fact its so bad it even refused to have its photo taken, so you will just have to make do with a picture of it with the other loco's. I think this loco will be finished in lined black, but like many of my plans it's highly likely to change, though I kind of like lined LMS black, but any suggestions will be welcome.


Anyway I have to get back to SNOT patrol with the Domestic Overlord, so until the next time, as ever Happy Modelling :)

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