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Crafford Street Station - First Entry!

Drummond 700


Hi there!



I am Elliot and I am 14 years old. I have had a couple of layouts in the past, mainly tail chasers, but after a lot of thinking I have decided to make a very small station, situated somewhere in the South West Trains region, possibly in the Southampton/Reading area, and be from mid 2000s to present day. It will be fictional, but will be influenced by the railways that I know, many 1 or possibly 2 track stations, trains with bi-hourly services to the city centre, and the occasional freight.


I am hoping to make it 2x1 foot or 3x1 00 gauge, as I have never tried modelling in such a small area.


I have found this plan on www.FreeTrackPlans.com (this plan is called 'Seahorses') and I think I will base it on this.



Happy to hear suggestions!


(The left side rectangle is a bridge)

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Looks nice to start out but one thing I would also do to start so you could at least arrange run bys for videos is have "cassetes" at either end that you could swap out.

Also nice to know I am not the only 14 year old on here. :)

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I have been thinking putting not cassettes, but a small loop around to the back that would have storage sidings.


So then a Virgin Pendolino Express can rush straight through (without stopping)!

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I have been thinking putting not cassettes, but a small loop around to the back that would have storage sidings.


So then a Virgin Pendolino Express can rush straight through (without stopping)!

Which is why I prefer tail-chasers! With shelf layouts, the trains are often forced to crawl along, preventing them from reaching a realistic speed!

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