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Effective uncoupling by Dads Magic Wand



For years I've been looking for a better answer to uncoupling than I'd found to date.


I decided that nearly all methods of automatic uncoupling are just too limiting being at fixed locations. Even the

much vaunted Kaydees will only uncouple at the fixed magnet, although it is possible to release and continue

to push without recouping it's simply not as flexible as I wanted.

The Brian Kirby method was something I was going to add to my layout, being cheap & effective although single

point limited. I then had a think that my Neo magnets could lift hooks if a magnetic strip was attached along the top

of the standard Bachmann small NEM pocketed small tension lock hooks. I cut No.56 staples into 4 pieces, two legs

and the bridge cut in two half's giving 4 small ferritic slivers, enough for 2 wagons ! At around £3 for 5000 staples

that would convert 10,000 wagons it seemed cheap enough to try !!


One needs to carefully bury the magnet and make certain it can't touch otherwise you'll lift wagons off the track.

I have my 3 mm diameter, 3 mm deep magnets in a hole drilled in some dowel, then a small paper plug put in with

superglue, that depth need to be about 3 mm.


Here is the result.



It's always worth remembering all wagons needed a shunter with pole to uncouple so this is no more the hand of god

than were the standards used by British Railways.


I Hope the long silent video didn't send you to sleep.



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I don't worry about the 'hand in the sky' either, though I just use a palette knife slid under the prongs of the tension lock couplers.  Not easy in a confined space, though.



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