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Ballasting and Mail Terminal



Had a good few hours modelling this weekend, ballasted the diverging line so i can complete the bridge's both front and back, then made a start on the Mail terminal, I made a mock up last week and have been toying with all sorts of ideas of what to do, I was going to try and fit three roads in similar to Bristol but there's just not enough room for the pointwork (three way point in N would be a god send), So settled for the two lines instead. Also started to construct the actual terminal building, at the moment its just a shell but will get on with insides, roof details etc later, plan to install lights to.

One thing i'm really struggling with is photos of Willesden PDRC, must have spent nearly all of yesterday (Except for xmas shopping) trying to find photos of the terminal on the Net and in magazines, also need to find a supplier of Brute trolleys in N, pretty sure i've seen some on here? and some good Vans and Trucks to convert to Royal Mail vehicles. should keep me out of trouble for a while. blogentry-6774-12601392567028_thumb.jpgblogentry-6774-12601389260983_thumb.jpgblogentry-6774-12601390447777_thumb.jpg


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Brute trolleys are available (along with much else!) from BH Enterprises. I must say I do like how this 'version 2' is progressing, keen to see the mail depot when it is done



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I like the very first picture at the top with the 67 and 08smile.gif - can i ask where did you get the fencing from? Looks like brass?





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Thanks for the info David, I completely forgot about BH enterprises.


Jon the fencing is from N-brass, its only placed loosely and needs painting.


Thanks both for the kind words to.



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