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And so we go on...



We are now half way through the current academic year and 3 months on from the fourth Weston on Trent show. Skaleby West and the troublesome extension are back in situ in the spare room and, apart from the occasional loco test, it has hardly been used. Some small work has been carried out on the next project, Skaleby Quay, but the creative modelling juices have been but a trickle of late. There is a very good reason for that of course. Staff changes at school have taken up a lot of additional time and there is an assignment for my leadership qualification still hanging around my neck. Work has certainly been busy and that is before family life is also taken into account. Juggling everything has been very difficult and I am not exaggerating when I claim to have had many sleepless nights recently. My average sleep is down to four hours per night although daughters and cats can be blamed for some disturbed nights.

We are currently in the midst of the February half term when it hit me. I have another show to organise. Yes, after the success of last year, we are doing it all again. To be fair, after raising over £1000 last year, I really do not have much choice. The Weston on Trent Model Railway Show has become the school's third biggest fundraiser after the traditional Christmas and summer fairs. In fact the only reason they outdo the show is due to the revenue generated by two large raffles held during those events.


But the fact is there is to be a fifth Weston event. The date is confirmed as Saturday 12th November. I really need to get my finger out and do something!

To be fair, although I have neglected the show, I have not ignored it completely. Whilst out and about I have been chatting to different people. Three of our stall holders from last year have all but guaranteed that they will return so that is one less worry.

On the final day of term I managed to print off a good supply of the 2016 leaflets. These should be out and about at some upcoming local shows - look out for them at Sileby and Trowell in the next few weeks.


What about the layouts? I always worry About whether I can scrape together enough exhibits to make the show work. Last year we hit the magic 20 mark and I will feel that I have failed if we don't reach that again. Tonight I have sent out a multitude of emails to previous exhibitors who have expressed an interest in returning with something else. I also have contacted the owners whose details have been kept on file after they were unable to attend last year. I do have a couple of others still to contact as their details are saved on my RMWeb message box and the site decided to go offline at the time I was on my email. I will contact those people later in the week. If all come back positively then I will have made a good start. I do have a couple of other "target" exhibits and those layout owners may find a surprise message dropping into their inbox before the week is out. Hopefully I can bring some positive news in the next blog entry.


As for my contribution, there is no decision. For the last four shows Skaleby West has been displayed in various guises. Although the extension board needs finishing there is other repair work to do if I want to make it presentable for Weston 2016. Then there is the question of whether I want to do so. I am not sure the layout will warrant a fifth successive outing. If I get the extension board finished and I complete the various repairs then it is a possibility I could justify showing it again.

Right now I feel that having Skaleby West at Weston 2016 would be a show too far. I think it has outstayed its welcome and needs a break from the event. I don't want people to think our event is becoming "samey" and I don't want people to be bored by the event or my layout. It was noticeable that the layout attracted less attention last year, even with the extension board. So that is a sign that the visitors are tired of seeing it.

So that means something new. At present there is no chance of layout number 2, "Skaleby Quay," being ready for November. It is just too much of a complicated build. So that means a different project. Thinking cap is now on!


Until next time.....


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I have one or two layouts in mind, some are linked to this site. I do not want to give away the identities of these just yet as

A. I have not yet contacted the owners.


B. I do not want to name layouts if they are not going to be able to attend.


The layouts belong to people I know so it is just a matter of sending the messages.

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