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Foster Street - More Deadline's, A Possible Replacement, and Loss of MOJO



Well, its been a while since my last update, and have I got anything to report, have a made major progress with any of my on-going projects? - ERR NO, I think I have lost my modelling mojo :(


Even though I have had a bit of time available to spend on my modelling, and I have had active encouragement from the Domestic Overlord, I have not really done much modelling. Maybe its a psychological thing with me, maybe if I'm actually allowed to do something I rebel against it and don't do it :)


Anyway what I have done is accept a few exhibition invites that take Foster Street on the road into 2018, so you never know I might actually get it finished by then, I mean how much longer can it take? I must admit I actually look forward to taking the layout out "on tour" even if the operating team and me should not be allowed to mix with normal people :)


What I have been thinking about is a replacement for Foster Street and I have even managed to scribble down a few plans, so all I need to do now is start secretly building the new layout, without drawing the attention of the Domestic Overlord. I mean how hard can it be to hide another layout in our two up two down mansion.


Until the next time, Happy Modelling :)


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Which exhibitions have you got invites for or can you not tell us?


The other thing, is how can you be thinking of replacing Foster Street, most of us can only dream of owning a layout like yours?

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Would you consider taking commissions?


I'm sure I am not the only one thinking this but your Locomotives and weathered stock are fantastic, I'm sure I can be the only one who thinks this?

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Would you consider taking commissions?


I'm sure I am not the only one thinking this but your Locomotives and weathered stock are fantastic, I'm sure I can be the only one who thinks this?

I'm sorry I hardly have time to build models for myself, which is rather annoying at times, I would hate to have other people in this situation if they were waiting for me to complete models.



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