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A beginning.

Geoff H


My father never made his railway, it was always when the kids are older, when the house is finished, when I retire. So all these mile stones came and went. His grand idea of recreating his youth of the GWR never happened. The 60 or so foot of loft space is still full of other things and not the railway


He is 88 this year(2016). In 2014 he passed on most of the things to me, knowing that it will never happen now. On one promise, do something with it and that does not mean Ebay!


So two years on, one divorce, and recovering from having had near fatal pneumonia before Christmas, I have got round to doing something.


Monford Halt is a small station somewhere between Frome and Bath on the edge of the Mendips in the early 1930's, it was part of the Somerset and Dorset Railway, and was amalgamated with the GWR 1884.


It was built to service the Collieries in the area, there is also some Lead and Zinc mining going on, so I have enough traffic.


Or not, as it is all a part of my imagination. The railway company is real, and did merge with the GWR in 1884 though.


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