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Foster Street - Simple Locomotive Improvements (part 5)



Well despite the constant demands of the real world, I have managed to get a little time to spend on the more important things in life MY TRAINS (of course if the Domestic Overlord is reading this, I meant my trains are the second most important thing in my life :))

Anyway a while back, I managed to get a Duchess locomotive at a bargain price from evil bay, which was in a terrible BR Green livery. Even though Foster Street is a secondary line, I thought I could find some justification in running one on the layout (I need to find a good excuse I have 4 now), but there was no way I could justify having one in BR livery.
While the body was covered in paint stripper, I got to work on improving the tender, just by removing the moulded coal and replacing with some real stuff.
That's when I had the idea to paint the locomotive into post war black, as I despite my love of crimson locomotives I have a soft spot for this livery, and to make it worst I thought I would attempt a "semi".
It was at this stage in the process that everything stopped, that is until yesterday when I decided to start the lining process. Even though this livery was supposed to be a simple livery, in N gauge it is still a challenge, so progress is slow, all I have to do is line the cylinders and the tender and that's one side complete, easy or what :(
The I can apply her number and name, and for the moment I think she might end up as City of London? What do you think?

As ever until the next time, Happy Modelling :)

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How have you manage to get the lining that fine, it must be incredibly thin?


Considering you claim not to have much time to model, you are certainly producing some fantastic results

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B1, B1 what B1, me work on an LNER locomotive, NEVER!!!!!


Actually I'm at the lining stage, but I'm struggling getting the motivation to finish the lining on 5 LMS locomotives at the moment :(

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