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Track and ballast.

Geoff H


The track is laid, and the ballast is down. I have had some track movement during laying, that is due to me not checking the track before nailing it down. Lesson learnt there! I have a scale distance of 12 inches between the platform and the carriages, not sure what H&S would say about that gap!


I still have to wait for the Seep motors for the points to turn up, and then the fun starts!


One thing out of this though, I thought I would try white PVA form Poundland. After all PVA is PVA! I am not to happy with the results so far, it is taking a very long time to dry. But it might also have been a bad mix from me. There is the chance that I made the first application to weak, we will see in the fullness of time.


I have also got the paint I need for my Ratio carriages, so I get to do some kit building soon and painting.

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