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Away from the workbench for a while



As Easter approaches I find myself roped in to some DIY projects in Wales, so that is where I am heading and the modelling will stay behind. Internet access may be very poor, so I am basically closing down the blog for the rest of the month.


But it will be good to return because:


The LMS 4F has been run in and the final touches can now be made to the chassis, while the loco's body needs a coating or two of black gloss paint.


The LMS Compound's tender is nearly complete and will be ready for primer in a matter of a few hours of detailing, etc.


Some really useful discussions were had recently on Wright Writes concerning crank angles and this will help me to assemble the Compound's third crankshaft, etc. Time away from the Compound will help me work out the best way(s) to assemble the chassis and inside motion.


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