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And now for something completly different




Well, one thing I have managed to keep up recently is my rather infrequent rate of posting, so just to spoil that rather perfect record her is a little update.


Tracks to the Trenches at Apedale went very well indeed. The layout ran really well and all the help I had in opperating (very much appreciated! - see later), and even meant that I was able to take in much of the action outside. The quantity, quality and range of stuff going on was truely fantastic. At one point, I was sat there just outside the beer tent with pint in hand, and five different trains could be seen on the move along with a magnificent mounted cavelery display. Only down side was that it was bloody cold for camping!


I have been pretty busy building things but for other people this time, but have now caught up (quite happy to take on a few more comissions though!), and looking forward to doing something for myself now. I have loads of unfinished projects to revisit but of course I am planning a new one! Have just ordered another Nigel Lawton Simplex which I plan to lavish with all the experiance gained from the first two but from the start this time. Will also try a couple of new things such as extending the layshaft and putting roller bearings on each end that should improve the gear mesh no end. I have also been hard at work in the cellar finally clearing the last box of stuff from when we moved here ten years ago. My long term aim is to build the Glyn Valley Tramway down there but for now a simple circular test track will do and be just what I need to iron out the last few niggles with the couplings and for running in new locos.


I do have a bit of time before the next exhibitions now and will get myself organised with a list of things to get sorted. Next outings are in the Autumn with a two day at Peterborough and ExpoNG at Swanley - finally a Southern show! This does raise the problem that I might not be able to persaude anyone to travel so far with me so if there is anyone out there who would like to help me at either of these shows please make yourselves known.


Anyway, now for the completely different bit. Little Iz, on given the choice of doing a project on a European country, decided on Germany - slightly odd as it is one of the few that she has not been to! Anyway, one thing led to another and she decided to make a model of the Berlin Wall - 'I could help with tha't I heard myself say. So, a couple of bits of foam board and a few minutes in Photosiop (sorry that must be the Welsh version but does highlight the fact that the spell check has stopped working again - has anyone else got that problem?). So here is a pic to proove that she did actually do most of it herself;




She actually really enjoyed weathering it and seemed very receptive to my advice - won't last long I know!


And the finished article;




An easy evenings work which was just as well as has to be handed in tomorrow! Some things never change........

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Love this post. Did remind my of a project I did with Yvette, my granddaughter a couple of months ago,building a middle-aged shed as for a surprise gift. 

Just a free card kit.

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