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Bulls, china shops and red herrings.. new direction.



I've been starting on a new direction lately. I tend to have a reputation for "bull in a China shop" methods but these have their uses and reasons.. mainly that they are the outcome of many years of taking decisions based on totally inadequate information, or getting to grips with subjects where I don't have a starting point or a clearly envisaged outcome.


I'd come to conclude that it was time for me to move on from the oil and gas industry, or at least my present sector. The industry is in the doldrums at present, and won't recover for two or three years to come. Step changes tend to happen at such times, and the trick is to become part of those changes and be in a position to take advantage of subsequent developments. I managed this in the early 90s, becoming associated with the "Dash For Gas" which meant that when oil picked up in the mid-90s I was well placed, and the growth of the Caspian and FSU markets meant that I was in a market where I wasn't in the scrap heap at 50... there was an attempt around that time to drive older personnel out of the North Sea, by tightening the medical requirements...


Anyway, at 61 years of age it's time to move on. I did a QC and Auditing course during my time at Shell, and there are far too many people knocking on the Wind Farms door, so I'm looking at QC. I walked into a couple of agencies and turned up a ZHC contract as a Quality Inspector at Perkins Engines. Well, it's not much of a job, but it DOES provide a starting point and you can learn quite a lot, quite quickly at such times. I've already attracted an expression of interest from the company involved, relating to a different contract being negotiated at a different location, and completely rewritten the CV I was using as a starting point. So, press on..


Did rather make me think about my introduction to DCC.


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DCC was (still is) a new direction, and I didn't (STILL mostly don't) have the background knowledge to fill in gaps and provide working assumptions until I can improve my general knowledge of the subject.


Manuals and procedures which can land you in court (and ANY manual or procedure in an industrial context is one of these) are very different from hobby manuals. They MUST work, for one thing.


I actually learnt more useful detail about DCC in about fifteen minutes at Peterborough, than in many hundreds of words of forum Q&A or talking to club members who has embarked upon specific courses for reasons of their own. The club has lately acquired a new member who understands the subject and doesn't subscribe to the existing club orthodoxy on the subject, insofar as there is one, so I'm waiting to see what the New Year brings..



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Wish you all the best for 2017 and a lot of success.

Modeling is the escape route from your daily troubles when you do it mindfully.

It works for me this way.

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Thanks for that.


Modelling has been a distraction, but my working life has been too much of an "immersive experience" for anything else to succeed, with the exceptions of my long-standing interest in motorcycle racing - probably because that is also a pretty all-or-nothing sort of venture - and my much-travelled tenor banjo.



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