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The Midhurst Commission - the scenics (2)



Moving on with the scenics....


The Cattledock (and end-loading bay).


Simple job - infill the track with 'granite setts', allowing for a drainage gully.




Good 'ole S E Finecast - commendably thin, so no problem with flangeway clearance, but laid on a piece of 20 thou, painted black down the centreline, and 20 thou thicknessers on the edges to provide a slope to the gully. The client will add etched grilles to the gully... Also noticeable now - the brick walling to the cattledock!




The loco-shed...


The area behind the shed was first ground-painted with tube acrylics as per the the last entry, and left to dry (whilst I got on with the cattledock!)
The ground was then covered with flocking applied with my (misbehaving) 'Flockit' (the on/off button spends most of its time stuck in the 'off' position!). I also laid a very fine flock - hence the unprototypical 'billiard-table' appearance! Oh well, first job next time!


The area in front of the shed had been suitably 'darkened' -




then, with the 'shed temporarily positioned (it has to be removable as the baseboard hinges backward) some suitable bush/weed combination was fixed in front to hide the gap. This will have additional flocking & ground cover added to it a la blackberry bush!




The 'bush' is actually material used by dress-makers and soft-furnishing people as 'stuffing' in cushions and shoulderpads etc. It is a kind of polyester wool that comes only (as far as I am aware) in white. However, I overspray it with grey (Halfords car primer) top & bottom to kill the white then further spray colours (from the military modelling fraternity) are used to represent the framework of the bush. Having got the basics, the remainder of the 'foliage' is added using lightly brushed-on adhesive and combinations of flock and other ground cover.




The area is beginning to come together now, with the 'ID Backscenes' really adding depth to the scene.






With the working day coming to a close, just time to detail in a couple of the stop-blocks using the principles applied above (although in all examples there is a LOT more to do...)








Last job was to start adding complementary cover to the platform surfaces - which had previously received a coat of 'Vallejo Stonewall Grey'. Individual slabs will be picked out in various shades of grey & beige etc - but that will take a couple of visits to finish!


The observant amongst you will notice the red and black sockets in the engine-shed. The client has also been busy adding lighting units to some of the structures - with more to follow) - so I couldn't resist this last shot as the sun sets slowly on the working day!





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