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Sound Decoder



Hi all, New to DCC, using a Gaugemaster Prodigy express, fitted decoders to a number of Loco's. All working fine apart from a TTS A4 sound decoder, Sound works fine until the loco (Silver Link) starts to move, as I increase speed, when the speed reaches 8 on the cab, the loco stops, then starts again, then stops. The motor stops and starts regardless of sound on or off, idea it must be a CV that's wrong ( I have reset to 8, made no difference). Could it be Back EMF the problem


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Hi Howy,


I also own the Gaugemaster Prodigy but the advance version but I am sure they operate in a similar manner.


First question - where on the track does this happen. If it is in the same place then it may purely be down to dirty rails.


I have a number of loco's with TTS and from what I have experienced, if I get a faulty connection or I have stupidly set the points wrong and get a short, then I have to manually restart the sound on the loco.


You say this happens when the sound reaches '8'.

Try a different speed setting. I always run mine on setting128 as it gives you far greater control. Instead of gradually speeding up, try turning you speed knob straight to 50 (as an example) and see if the same things happens.


Second question - is this the only sound fitted loco that you have? If not, try a different loco on the same piece of track and see what happens.


Let us know how you get on. I am no expert and I am sure others on here will be able to help if I cant.


Third question - is this actually a blog or just a one question query? I would anticipate you getting more responses in the forums under a DCC sound entry. 



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Hi Gary, Thanks for your reply


To answer your questions, I don't have any other sound chipped loco, The loco ran fine with a non sound chip in, I have tried it on three tracks and a rolling road, I have ran a friends sound Scott and tornado with no trouble. I have altered the step's to 128, the fault come's on then at around 24. If the speed is jacked up sharply it occurs immediately. You say you have TTS sound chips, are they factory fitted, I have been told these decoders (as new from Hornby) are not available till July, this was sold to me as new!!!


It's a query, New to the site, so just went for where I can ask a question, I think I have put this answer as another blog??


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Of the loco's that I have sound chipped, 3 came fitted but they were bought second hand and the fourth loco was also second hand and I fitted it with a TTS chip. The 5th loco I fitted with a Lok Sound decoder. This was over twice the price of the TTS but boy was it worth it. The sound is far superior. The TTS's are all fitted in Class 47's and the Lok Sound fitted in a Vitrains Class 37. I run BR blue of the eighties.


Looking back at your first question, I don't think that the Back EMF would be a problem. If you bought the sound chip 'as new' perhaps it might be worth a call to the seller to get their response. I presume from what you say that you bought the chip and speaker and fitted it yourself as opposed to buying the loco pre-fitted.


Just be careful about altering CV's unless you know what you are doing. The sound chip should work straight out of the box without any alterations. The only thing you would need to alter is the preset loco number which is normally No3. Once you have a few more sound fitted loco's then you may want to go into the CV's and adjust the volume settings.


Keep us/me posted.



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