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I've been in your situation more than once mate, I've walked away from good jobs in the past, the same as you have just done, my emotions took a sine wave like career. First the up-swell of elation for a while, full of new possibilities then down to awful realisation of what I'd done and left behind, passing 0 and into the negative half of the cycle at this point. After acceptance of the situation and though in the cold light of day I passed 0 again and into the positive half cycle (my take some time this bit) reaching roughly where I was prior to my decision to walk. 

    I had to 'cut my cloth' a little tighter but the benefits of not having to go to a job that I resented profoundly along side people  who's attitude towards others I found irreconcilable where many, and I have not regretted my actions for a moment in later life.

    My sincere best wishes to you, and I have confidence you will be a happier and healthier individual if a little poorer. Though you are a little young for a mid life crisis. You'll be joining us in the Gauge O Guild next !


Best Wishes



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We all have to choose whether to strike out alone or go with the flow - individual vs. social needs.  You've made a decision and I hope it works for you but, if it doesn't, never be afraid to change your mind and try a different tack.  On a trivial note, I'd read your blog more, if you 'lost' the running icon.  It makes me feel tired even before I look at your posts.  :)

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I've been in your situation more than once mate, I've walked away from good jobs in the past, the same as you have just done, my emotions took a sine wave like career. First the up-swell of elation for a while, full of new possibilities then down to awful realisation of what I'd done and left behind, passing 0 and into the negative half of the cycle at this point. After acceptance of the situation and though in the cold light of day I passed 0 again and into the positive half cycle (my take some time this bit) reaching roughly where I was prior to my decision to walk. 

    I had to 'cut my cloth' a little tighter but the benefits of not having to go to a job that I resented profoundly along side people  who's attitude towards others I found irreconcilable where many, and I have not regretted my actions for a moment in later life.

    My sincere best wishes to you, and I have confidence you will be a happier and healthier individual if a little poorer. Though you are a little young for a mid life crisis. You'll be joining us in the Gauge O Guild next !


Best Wishes




Many thanks. :)


It to most people seems mad because it is against culture, against what we have been conditioned to accept and against what is considered comfy or safe.  But we live once so I'm sticking my neck out a bit.


I get you with the wave, I feel like I'm constantly riding a wave which is part of why I had to pull out for a bit, you get sick after a while.  It isn't the first time I've been put of work but if it doesn't work out then it only means a bit more time is needed, by that I mean if funds get too low I'll find work again, save up for another years then pull out again...repeat as many times as needed!


I'll get there, determined now.


I may be joining the Gauge 0 guild one day who knows.  I'm a member of the Scalefour Society, the N Gauge Society and I like 7mm a lot too so maybe one day. :)   Nothing wrong with modelling several scales.

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We all have to choose whether to strike out alone or go with the flow - individual vs. social needs.  You've made a decision and I hope it works for you but, if it doesn't, never be afraid to change your mind and try a different tack.  On a trivial note, I'd read your blog more, if you 'lost' the running icon.  It makes me feel tired even before I look at your posts.  :)


Thanks. :)   If it doesn't work out I'll go 'back to work' the usual way, save up then pull out again.  Repeat as many times as needed.  


The little Knuckles GIF.   I can't get rid of him, he's my little baby!

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The little Knuckles GIF.   I can't get rid of him, he's my little baby!

Fair enough.  I understand :)

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Good on yer Gav! Giving this life a change is a good thing, we all need some revolution and evolution from time to time. Hope this goes well and you find what you're looking for.



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Good on yer Gav! Giving this life a change is a good thing, we all need some revolution and evolution from time to time. Hope this goes well and you find what you're looking for.




Thanks Mike. :)


Not heard from you in a while. How you been?

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I admire your stance and wish you well in your venture.

Your assement of life is spot on. Having just reached 60 I have been reflecting on my life and can relate to what you have stated regarding "The machine".



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I admire your stance and wish you well in your venture. Your assement of life is spot on. Having just reached 60 I have been reflecting on my life and can relate to what you have stated regarding "The machine". Dave


Thanks Dave.   I can see what is happening and what seems to happen to 95% of us if we follow along with it so if at all possible I aim to avoid it.


Really not impressed with how things are.

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