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GCR Edwardian Mainline Stock- Part V

James Harrison


Hmmm, trying to turn out a rake of carriages as a batch build really isn't turning out too well. Great, for the early part of the build- I got the basics of three new carriages done in one night!- but now that I'm coming to do more of the detailed and intricate work, well, it means that there's three times as much of it to do. Given that a lot of it now is repetitive and tedious (I defy anyone to build enough seating for three carriages in one go without going round the bend in the process), I've cut my losses.


I had got all three carriages into teak. Two of them, I have also repainted the corridor connections, the solebars and the underframe trusses. At this point I took the furthest advanced of the models and have been concentrating my efforts just on that one, to see some worthwhile progress and keep my enthusiasm/ momentum up. Otherwise the build would stall and I'd have three more subjects for my Shelf of Shame.




So; the basic body with a new floor fitted and painted. The inside of the body also needs to be painted.




For the interior, I'm making use of some coach sides I bought a few years ago. These have since sat in my spares box taking up room and lying idle (it is difficult to build a rake of LNER carriages from five compartment sides and four identical guards van sides. You're lacking five corridor sides, four handed guards van sides, thefloors, the roofs, the bogies......) So I cut them up, glued them back together in a different order and hey presto!- an internal compartment side).




Of course, you still need compartment walls- out of 0.5mm plastic sheet- and something to hold the construction rigid. As I'd already built a floor, I built a false ceiling.




It's appallingly crude but it does look the part when the interior is fitted inside the carriage. Loose fitted, I should say. There's still something missing....




.... the seats! Now painted up and drying. Once dry they'll be fitted into the compartments. Then just a matter of glazing the carriage, fitting the interior and building a new roof.

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Been there tried that and still haven't finished the rake of Caledonian coaches that I started. Like you initial progress was good but the fun wears off when it comes to the detail parts and I got bored and went on to building wagons instead


I must get my act together and get back on to them now I've had a break maybe I can get a bit further this time.

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It's the long long list of other projects that tends to be my undoing.  Once I'm about 3/4 of the way through something the mind starts to wander off and consider the next project.  I'm determined to finish these three before I move onto anything else!- although I do find myself keep being brought back to that 1/700 HMS Queen Elizabeth (1918 fit) that has been sitting in a cupboard for the last two years. 

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Your not my long lost twin are you, I must confess I'm a bit of a dreadnought fan my self too though I'd love to go a bit older and build one of the majestic class pre dreadnoughts

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I've got a couple of dreadnoughts; Dreadnought herself in 1915 fit, the Airfix Iron Duke, and the QE.  Regretably not all to the same scale (come on Trumpeter do the decent thing and give us a 13.5"-er in 1/700.....)  I would like at least one predreadnought (my fancy runs to the Lord Nelson or Agamemnon). 


I was thinking, last weekend, whether it would be possible to model the RN battle fleet in say 1922/23, in 1/700.  Just after all the 12"-ers and the early 13.5"-ers went for scrap; so an Iron Duke, Queen Elizabeth, Royal Sovereign, Tiger, Renown, Hood.  Well, one out of six is a good start....

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