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Does it look like what it is supposed to be?



So by way of a brief update I have attached some images of the ‘whole’ to confirm I am doing things, illustrate that those things might be called progress and a little bit of showing off. More constructively, almost the sum of the parts now resembles a Class V ‘Schools’ and is a solid superstructure on which to begin actually building a locomotive.


So far, no great revelations, then. However, I did ‘grow’ this blog out of a bit of chatter about PDK Kits, so how does this shape up as a kit in general? Very well, I feel. This is my first PDK effort (Gibson, Finecasts, Riceworks, and even K’s have gone among prior efforts) and so far I am impressed. The etches are clean and fit well, often with tabs and slots that do just that: tab and slot rather than twist and miss. Joints are clean and fit well, while the etches in the flat fold and bend along marked lines with little effort: the multilevel footplate and inwardly angled valences took little special skill nor tools. So, as a kit I would say that it would warrant a place as one’s first venture into 4-4-0s, outside valve gear or tender locomotives. I have complicated things a bit by using the Finecast chassis, but if you don’t mind the PDK one and are not building it as a P4 engine, the contents of the box would be a good starting point with little beyond the usual wheels, motor, gears etc to add.


Heres progress so far:








In the above you will have noticed that I finally decided that the earlier bogie sideframes will be my choice and filed the profiles to suit. In addition, you will note that the Finecast chassis has lost its forward frame extensions. More surgery will follow, but for now that’s where we are.


It all needs a good clean, especially the joints, as well as some tweaking and aligning, but as a ‘straight off the bench’ condition I am pleased.



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It's looking very good and neat. Are you using a fixed driven rear axle and a single compensating beam between the front driven axle and the centre of the bogie?


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Dave; yes that's how it is to be. I'll get to 'details' in the entry about how I get the whole thing moving, but the Finecast chassis gives one the option of beam compensation, rigid axles or sprung throughout - though only to the extent of marking the hornblock cutouts. After that, you're on your own...




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