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London & Greenwich Railway - Royal William Pt. 3



Royal William Pt.3


A little more progress and I've been able to trial fit the driving wheels. Clearance was a bit tight on the central boiler stays but I think this is due to the slightly over-scale flanges on the 00/EM tyres. A bit of fettling to the stays with a swiss file sorted the issue.


The leading axle is only a spare carriage one at the moment, just to get a feel for where the front axle rocker should be and to determine the correct height and levels etc. It's difficult to appreciate how small the loco is so next time I'll pose it against a 50p piece, that's if my daughter hasn't spent it on chocolate....




I'll update this again soon as since I took these pictures, the leading axle rocker is fitted and the whole lot has been cleaned and etch primed. I still have axle boxes to fit, the final connection between motor and pick-ups, firebox stays, leading axle and wheels to fit and the valve gear 'gubbins' to make and fit between the smokebox and buffer beam. Then all the painting to do. Oh yes, and the small matter of a tender!


More pics to follow shortly....

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Thanks. The insulator between the axle and the cast wheel was an undersized HAMA Bead rejected by my son! I kept it as it was just right for the job....waste not want not!

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