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Fen End Pit - Update and new project

Fen End Pit


So I thought I'd better explain briefly why I'm having various changes of plan and different projects going on. Bottom line is that I had a rather unpleasant diagnosis in February and 'the future' is now more uncertain than I might have hoped. I'm not intending to turn this blog into some kind of medical record, but I'm currently into my second cycle of Chemo.


My approach to dealing with this is to take each day as it comes and try to keep positive, if I can continue enjoying building model railways well I'm going to do that for as long as possible.This probably explains the purchase of the Slater's Simplex (which I am very much enjoying).


The other 'great project' was the Scalefour model of Clare which was intended as the complete roundy-roundy layout going around the railway room. Realistically this is probably now a project too far, so I need to review this plan. However I'm pretty clear that I still want to build a layout which I can run my Scalefour stock on. So I've drawn up a plan which is hopefully more achievable. The idea is to use the 19'6 wall of the railway room to build a 12' long scenic section with a couple of 3'6 fiddle yards at either end. The scenic section is currently planned as a bit of secondary mainline 'somewhere in Norfolk' with potentially a 'Reedham style' swing bridge.




I've just purchased a load of ply from Slec, I've had a nice chat with C&L regarding pointwork and I've been planning how to make bits of girders for the bridge.


Thanks for all those who have supported me through this blog, please continue to do so and I'll continue to write about my models, much more interesting I hope than my medical condition..




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Modelling in my experience is a very good mindful activity, that can help you through some difficult moments. Wish you a lot of strength in the coming period.

Will follow your modelling progress.

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