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Apparently its a Bank Holiday weekend, and we all know what that means........yes your right having to take your better half round IKEA, well I'm sure there are people out there who actually like visiting Ikea, but I bet they also think the world is flat, or even flat packed. I on the other hand do not count myself amongst the fruitcakes so have a healthy aversion to the place.


The Domestic Overlord thinks its a good place (I'm not saying he's a fruitcake...honest), so we are planned to visit the place tomorrow, and because I'm a little angel I will go along without any form of external protest (but in inside I will be plotting :)).


This has meant that I managed to get a little modelling time in today, well when I say modelling time I really mean destruction and near accident time. I thought I would maybe lay some cork for the track bed fir Lugsdale Road but when I looked at the layout my attention was drawn to my workbench of DOOM which is looking more like a scrapyard.


Scrap Metal 1 Trams
If you have been following my updates on Lugsdale Road (you poor fools) you will know that I am aiming to have working trams on the layout, I mean how hard could it be? Taking what I thought would be the easy route, I managed to get 3 of the old Typhoo promotional trams from evil bay for next to nothing thinking this would save me a lot of time and effort, I was wrong :(.
After the use of one of my favourite tools of mass destruction, I managed to cut the die cast chassis away and thin the sides and do all this with my fingers still attached as they should be, well that was just on the first Tram. Happy I sprayed a coat of primer over the body and my hand to see if there were any blemishes and it highlighted at least the need for a manicure. As for the Trams thought I decided to open out the solidly cast upper deck windows at each end and thin the insides more to make glazing easier, so all three have had this treatment though I'm still working on opening the widows out.


Oh and I have no idea what colours to paint them in??????????


Scrap Metal 2 Midland Flat Iron


I already have a Flatiron in the fleet, and managed to finish her in fully lined crimson, which was a bit of a task, but once complete I swore no more Flatirons, but a bargain Evil bay purchase saw another one come into my hands. It was in a pretty ropey state and had been constructed with gallons of superglue, blue-tak and some weird yellow glue. Then the previous owner covered it in a strange rubber like paint, which was used also to fill the many gaps in the loco body, so I thought I would remove the paint and see what could be done, a few hours in my favourite stripper and this is what I was left with.
Still its a start, and it will give me something to do, and if you think that's bad the chassis it came with needs a little attention to say the least, to make things worst I think she might end up in lined black (I must be mad).


Scrap Metal 3 LMS 7F


You may begin to notice a bit of a pattern here, but in the search for an eight coupled chassis for another project (LNWR G2) I stumbled across on Evil Bay someone's attempt to make a Fowler 7F from a Gem kit, the body was terrible and missing several parts but the chassis looked ok. A very cheeky offer was made and it was mine, when it arrived the body was a ruff and as a Badgers supply of sand paper, but the chassis ran as sweet as a nut. The problem was though the pole pieces where riveted so not easy to thin and shape without the risk of metal swarf getting into the motor, so it was put to one side.
The body was thrown into the pot of stripper with the Flatiron and as can be seen from the results I have a lot to do, as I already have two 7Fs in the fleet, just to be different it may end up as the water pre-heat variant, certainly a distinctive looking modification.


Scrap Metal 4 LNWR Prince of Wales 4-6-2T


The final bit of scrap metal, is in the form of an old Langley Prince of Wales tank kit, that's been hanging around for a while, I even have a couple of chassis options for it. Compared to the other two piles of metal, this one does not seem too bad, famous last words, and again I don't know why I decided this, but even though they were found in plain black, this one will end up in fully lined black.


So there you have it, the update from the work bench of DOOM, I mean its not that bad really is it, nice simple jobs, not a problem, they wont take long to finish, I mean how hard can it be? I mean I could just melt them all down and make a nice paperweight of something?
Only one thing to say BRING ON IKEA I cant wait :) Until the next time as ever Happy Modelling :)

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I went to IKEA yesterday and I know your pain. Somehow I negotiated leaving the family behind so only spent 15mins in the shop getting exactly what I went for and nothing else. It took me longer to get out of the rammed car park!


I do hope you survive the outing. The teams look quite promising.

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I went to IKEA yesterday and I know your pain. Somehow I negotiated leaving the family behind so only spent 15mins in the shop getting exactly what I went for and nothing else. It took me longer to get out of the rammed car park!


I do hope you survive the outing. The teams look quite promising.


I don't think I have ever gone to Ikea with the intent of actually buying anything.........I'm doomed, doomed I tell ya!!!  HELP

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